ECOSOLID  Oil Boom is a robust and environmentally friedly solid flotation oil boom, ready for use in harbors, fjords and sheltered waters. The floatation device is specially constructed to ensure optimal operative qualities, without the possibility of secondary pollution (no Styrofoam). The oil boom is available in 250 and 350 mm freeboard in 25 m sections. er en robust og miljøvennlig oljelense med faste flytelegemer klar til bruk i havner, fjordstrøk og skjermede farvann.

The ECOSOLID Oil Boom has numerouse operational upgrades from standard harbor booms, including high durability, robust fabric composition, and increased visibility. ECOSOLID Oil Boom is the only Oil Boom approved for use in the NOFI Boom Bag System, it is also fully compatible with the older NOFI EP 250 and 350 Series Oil Booms.

In an incident with acute pollution, time is of the essence. Even small amounts of oil and diesel spread quickly on the surface of the water. Being able to block off an area and gain control of the spill is crucial for how resource-intensive and cost-driving an oil spill becomes. An Oil Boom will limit the environmental and financial consequences of an oil spill. In Norway, as in most other countries, polluters are financially responsible for clean up after a spill.

Area of use:

  • Oljevernaksjon ved kystnært farvann, fjorder og havner
  • To shield against or collect oil
  • Stop and contain spreading of plastics and other garbage floating in the surface
  • As contingency that is placed on the water during construction or other operation where there is risk of pollution to the sea/water
  • Preparedness for industry with risk of pollution to marine environment
  • To shield and divert oil from Fish Farms or other vulnerable areas at sea


Area of use

Sheltered waters and harbors

Sheltered waters and harbors
Total height 600 mm 800 mm
Free board 250 mm 350 mm
Skirt Depth 350 mm 450 mm
Standard length (section) 25 m 25 m

Bruk og sikkerhet:

  • Pockets for marker lights i for every 25 meters
  • Handling straps 
  • Reflectors every 5 meters
  • Well-marked designated areas on the Oil Boom for anchoring

Optional Extras available:

  • Tow Rope adapted to ECOSOLID 250 and 350.
  • Anchoring Kit
  • Marking lights for visibility at night
  • Repair Kit
  • Tidal Compensator

Frequently asked questions.

How do you remove the collected oil?
The ECOSOLID Oil Boom makes a barrier that traps the oil, so that you can contain the oil spill, but it has no absorbent capabilities. To get the collected oil out of the water you have to use hydrophobic absorbents, or in case of bigger spills, an oil skimmer would be easier and more efficient. Read more about our ECOSORB® absorbents and Oil Skimmers.

Can I reuse the ECOSOLID Oil Boom after use in an Oil Spill?
Yes, it is no problem too use it repeatedly. It is ready for use after being inspected for damages and washed. In the user manual there is dedicated chapter for washing. Proper cleaning of an oil boom that have been in an oil spill must only be carried out in areas where the oily wastewater will be collected or equipment for separating the oil from the water.

The ECOSOLID Oil Boom is damaged, do I have to dispose it and buy a new one?
AllMaritim focuses on our solutions being easy to repair, also on site during an oil spill. As long as the damage is not too severe, it is possible in most cases to repair. We offer a Repair Kit for the ECOSOLID range Oil Booms.

See NOFI Boom Bag® for fast response Oil Boom deployment

NOFI Boom Bag System